Last fall, I planted a flower garden with my children using their old, plastic swimming pool. You can read more about “A Children’s Garden in an Unusual Place” if you like. The flowers grew and the kids loved taking care of watering their new plants.
My mother, (Pastor Farmer), had a few cabbage transplants that she had purchased for her vegetable garden left over and gave them to the kids. So, we planted two cabbages in the flower garden.
Like most children, my 3 youngest children love to play outside. One morning, my daughter ran in and told me to hurry outside “to see something really neat.”
Cabbage Transplants
What they had discovered was a little caterpillar on one of our transplanted cabbages. It was so small that I had to put on my “old lady” reading glasses just to see him clearly.
The kids were so excited about their find that they were jumping up and down. Isn’t it amazing at how the simple things bring such joy into a child’s life?
Here is the caterpillar, who the kids named “Wormy”. I apologize for the out of focus picture, but it is the best one that I have of him.
My children moved a patio chair right next to the the garden so that they could observe their new pet closely. For three weeks, they would hurry home from school and run outside to sit and watch him – (at least I think it is a him).
Then in January, the rains came and one day, we could no longer see “Wormy”. My fear was that maybe he had been washed away by the storm. To be honest, the kids were not too upset because by that time, they had tired of watching him all of the time and had moved on to watching their new rose shrubs grow. I am thankful that at least “Wormy” lives on in our pictures and I have another childhood story to share with my children when they grow up.
By the way, the Three Little Roses are doing well and I will post pictures soon. There have actually been a few surprises.
I hope you are all having a great week!