New Ideas for Sustainable Landscaping
Have you ever given much thought about how sustainable your landscape is?
I must confess that I have been giving it a lot of thought lately.
I am busy putting the final touches on a presentation that I am giving tomorrow on “New Ideas for Sustainable Landscaping”.
The community where I am giving this talk, asked me to speak on this subject in their continuing efforts to become an Audubon International Sustainable Community.
There will be other experts on hand to discuss other ways that people and communities can become sustainable.
My talk will focus on three ways to create a more sustainable landscape:
– Maximize the use of arid-adapted plants.
– Utilize a good, functional design that is environmentally-friendly.
– Appropriate maintenance is practiced.
Next week, I will write a series of blog posts that will focus on these three ideas.
My hope is that you will be able to implement some of these things in your own landscape.
In the meantime, please wish me luck for my talk tomorrow!