Tag Archive for: pink flowering vine

The Beauty of Queen Wreath Vine: A Love Affair with Pink

Queen wreath vine

Queen wreath vine (Antigonon leptopus)

Like many women, I have not outgrown my teenage love affair with the color pink. However, instead of painting the walls of my room a vibrant shade of pink or wearing a fluorescent t-shirt, I now content myself with using it in the garden.

Queen Wreath Vine: A Delicate Climber

The Queen wreath vine (Antigonon leptopus), also known by its botanical name Antigonon leptopus, is a charming addition to any garden. Sometimes named Coral Vine or Mexican Creeper, this delicate climber graces my garden with its vibrant pink blossoms, creating a stunning display against the backdrop of my cascalote tree. The allure of pink is something I’ve held onto since my teenage years, and this beautiful vine allows me to incorporate that love into my outdoor space.

Heart-Shaped Buds and Lush Green Leaves

Queen wreath vine

What sets this vine apart are its unique heart-shaped buds that eventually unfurl into beautiful pink blossoms. Paired with its lush green leaves, the vine adds a touch of romance and elegance to my garden. Its ability to climb and twine around my tree’s trunk creates a visual spectacle that I eagerly await each spring.

A Seasonal Wonder

While this special vine brings joy to my garden, it’s important to note that it is not a year-round presence. In the winter, it dies back to the ground, leaving behind only memories of its vibrant display. However, the anticipation of its return in the spring is part of what makes this vine so special. As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, the vine begins its ascent up the trunk of my tree, signaling the start of another season of enchanting pink blossoms.

How to Grow Queen wreath vine (Antigonon leptopus)

Here’s a list of steps on how to grow this beautiful vine:

  1. Choose the Right Location: Select a suitable location for planting your Queen wreath vine. It thrives in full sun to partial shade, so make sure it receives adequate sunlight.
  2. Prepare the Soil: Ensure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter. If the soil is heavy or clayey, consider amending it with compost to improve drainage.
  3. Planting: Plant your Queen wreath vine either by sowing seeds or by transplanting a young plant. Spring is the best time to plant this vine.
  4. Spacing: Space the plants about 10 to 12 feet apart or provide sturdy support structures for the vine to climb.
  5. Support Structures: Queen wreath vine is a climbing plant, so it requires a trellis, arbor, or similar structure for support. Install the support system before planting or soon after to avoid disturbing the plant.
  6. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged during the growing season. Once the plant is established, it can tolerate some drought.
  7. Fertilization: Fertilize your Queen wreath vine with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer during the growing season. Follow the recommended dosage on the fertilizer package.
  8. Pruning: Regularly prune the vine to maintain its shape and control its growth. Pruning is typically done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.
  9. Winter Care: In colder regions, Queen wreath vine may die back to the ground during winter. Provide a layer of mulch to protect the roots and encourage regrowth in the spring.
  10. Pest and Disease Management: Keep an eye out for common garden pests like aphids and scale insects. Treat any infestations promptly with appropriate methods or insecticidal soap. This vine is generally resistant to most diseases.
  11. Propagation: If you want to propagate more Queen wreath vines, you can do so by taking softwood cuttings in the spring or by collecting seeds.
  12. Enjoy the Blooms: Once established, your Queen wreath vine will reward you with beautiful pink blossoms during the growing season. These heart-shaped blooms will create a stunning visual display in your garden.

Remember that Queen wreath vine can be invasive in some regions, so be cautious and monitor its growth, especially if you’re in an area where it is not native. Enjoy the vibrant beauty and charm this lovely vine brings to your garden.

Have You Met Antigonon leptopus?

Have you ever grown an Antigonon leptopus, also known as Queen wreath vine? For those who haven’t had the pleasure, this pink beauty is a must-have addition to any garden. Its climbing nature and heart-shaped buds make it a captivating plant that adds a touch of whimsy and elegance to your outdoor space. If you’d like to learn more about this delightful vine, be sure to read my earlier post on the subject.

The vine is a testament to the enduring allure of pink in our lives, and I can’t imagine my garden without its vibrant, heart-shaped blossoms.

For more information, you can read my earlier post about this pink beauty.

Who doesn’t like Queen’s Wreath Vine? I have a renewed appreciation for my Queen’s Wreath Vine, also known as Antigonon leptopus. In the garden during the summer months it is fabulous. Now, I realize that there are some who do enjoy the satisfaction of working hard with their plants. The last thing I want to do is have to fuss over a plant in the middle of the summer heat so that it will look beautiful for me. I would much rather enjoy the ‘natural beauty’ of my summer plants looking through the windows from the comfort of my air-conditioned home.

Embracing the Beauty of Queen’s Wreath Vine

Earlier this summer, I wrote about one of my favorite ‘natural beauties’ in the garden, Yellow Bells.  Today, I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite summer vines. It is a wonderful example of fabulous vine that is a ‘natural beauty.’

Queen's Wreath vine pink flowers

Queen’s Wreath vines grace the Arizona State University campus.

The Natural Charm of Queen’s Wreath Vine

Queen Wreath Vine (Antigonon leptopus) is a colorful asset to my gardenThis ‘natural beauty’ is a vine that is native to Mexico and Central America. The vibrant vine graces your garden with stunning pink sprays of flowers that last from spring until the first frost. While it can be invasive in tropical areas, it’s easily managed in the desert climate.

Queen's Wreath Vine heart-shaped leaves

In our desert climate, they do require supplemental water, but no fertilizer is needed.  Bees are attracted to the beautiful flowers, and I love the pretty heart-shaped leaves. 

Queen’s Wreath is a robust vine.  It can endure in full sun including areas of reflected heat.  It will also grow in light shade although flowering will be reduced. The only maintenance required in my garden is pruning it back in winter once it dies back after the first frost. The roots are hardy to 20 degrees F, and in the spring, it quickly grows back with a trellis, fence or an arbor for support.

Queens Wreath vine growing on a wall

 A wall of Queen’s Wreath Vine at ASU

The only consistent maintenance required in my garden is pruning it back in winter once it dies back after the first frost.  However the roots are hardy to 20 degrees F, and in the spring, it quickly grows back with a trellis, fence or an arbor for support. See more in the mini-guide below


Step 1: Choosing the Ideal Location

Queens wreath vine pink flowers

To successfully cultivate Queen’s Wreath Vine, select a sunny spot in your garden where it can bask in plenty of sunlight. While it can tolerate light shade, it thrives when exposed to full sun, making it an ideal choice for areas with reflected heat.

Step 2: Preparing the Soil

Ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogged roots. Queen’s Wreath Vine thrives in various soil types but benefits from enriched soil containing organic matter.

Step 3: Planting the Vine

Plant your Queen’s Wreath Vine near a trellis, fence, or arbor to provide the necessary support for its growth. Dig a hole deep enough to comfortably accommodate its root system.

Step 4: Proper Watering

While Queen’s Wreath Vine becomes drought-tolerant once established, it appreciates supplemental watering, especially during dry spells. Water deeply to encourage robust root development, but make sure the plant has good drainage.

Step 5: Pruning and Maintenance

In winter, after the first frost, prune any dead or overgrown branches to promote vigorous spring growth. Minimal maintenance will keep your Queen’s Wreath Vine flourishing year after year.

By following these steps, you can enjoy the ‘natural beauty’ of Queen’s Wreath Vine in your own garden without the fuss, and revel in its stunning pink displays throughout the year.

My first experience with queen’s wreath was in our first home in Phoenix, where there was a support made up of twine tied between two palm trees. We had no idea why it was there, but it sure looked ugly. Well, before we had time to remove the twine, beautiful, light green, heart-shaped leaves began climbing up the support and quickly covered it. Gorgeous sprays of pink flowers rapidly followed, which was a pleasant surprise.  

What natural beauties are enjoying in your garden this month?  

I will be sharing another favorite ‘natural beauty’ from my garden soon.