They are here!!! I was oh so patiently waiting for my English roses to arrive from Heirloom Roses.
I had ordered three different English roses a few weeks ago as it has been too long since I have had roses in my garden. You can read more about that here if you like – “I Have a Confession To Make” and “I’ve Made My Decision”.
I thought it would be a nice idea if each of my three youngest children could adopt one of the new rose bushes and be in charge of taking care of it.
They each picked one based on their favorite colors. My youngest daughter picked ‘Graham Thomas’ which is yellow (note her yellow SpongeBob shoes). My son picked ‘William Shakespeare’ because it is red. My third-oldest daughter picked ‘Abraham Darby’ because she absolutely loves pink.
So since they are adopting their new roses, that means, they have to help dig the holes and plant them. The kids are anxious to help.
Thankfully, their dad was willing to help them dig the holes.
*I was taking pictures of the whole planting process and my son decided that he would take pictures with his red camera.
I love kid-sized shovels and other gardening tools.
*I think I need to buy another kid-sized shovel because my daughter is throwing dirt into the wheelbarrow with her hands.
Trying to be brave and touch the earthworm they dug up.
It won’t bite….
There is just something about dirt that attracts kids…
I think this photo clearly illustrates the difference between boys and girls. My daughter is drawing a happy face in the dirt while my son is touching a worm.
Tomorrow, we will finish preparing the holes and planting our new roses. The kids are so excited! So is their mom.
Will post more tomorrow….