Tag Archive for: summer monsoon

I like the word ‘deluge’.  I think that it accurately describes what happened at our house a couple of weeks ago.

So, why am I just now writing about it?

Well, I must admit that I am keeping my head above water, so to speak 😉  I am still recovering my strength after suffering from the flu (I have been needing a nap everyday).

I have also been busy with consults now that the weather is cooling again and people actually want to go out in their gardens.

Okay, so back to our ‘deluge’.

We get periods of torrential rain during our summer monsoon season.  But, what happened on this Friday morning was quite impressive.

torrential rain during our summer monsoon season

torrential rain during our summer monsoon season

The Lantana in the front entry were absolutely drenched.

Homes don’t have gutters where I live, so the rain drips from the eaves.

torrential rain during our summer monsoon season

Our new flagstone pathway channeled the water into the street.

torrential rain during our summer monsoon season

Our newly re-landscaped front garden enjoyed the rainfall.  I was happy to see how the rain also pooled around our new Desert Museum Palo Verde tree, watering it deeply.

I wish I could say that our back garden weathered the ‘deluge’ as well as the front garden.

But, we definitely need to work on channeling the water away from the patio….

A Deluge of Water...

Thankfully, my 20-year old daughter, Rachele, and my teenage nephew were on hand to scoop the excess water with buckets out onto the grass.

(The water got too close to the back doors for comfort).

We will be making a shallow channel along the front of the patio and toward the side gardens, where the excess water will drain out to the front.


I have had the pleasure of meeting a few readers of my blog when I came to do a landscape consult for them.

I enjoy meeting you in person and seeing your gardens for myself.

Have a great week everyone! 

Wet Weather and Two Races…