For those of you who have read my blog from time to time, you have already met some of the members of “The Refuge” and seen glimpses of their gardens.
Today, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce to all of the residents and show you more of their garden and the beautiful desert that surrounds them.
The Refuge is a beautiful, green oasis, located in the California desert, near Palm Springs. Stark, beautiful, desert mountains surround them that are often covered in snow in the winter.
It does rain in the desert and is always a time of celebration. Dry desert washes, are suddenly filled with running water.
In the middle of this desert are the home and gardens of my sister and her family.
Peach Tree Blossom
In the middle of the desert, you will find life in this desert garden.
Yellow Daisy (Euryops pectinatus)
Flowers are lovingly grown by my sister, Daisy Mom.
Cape Honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis)
Vegetables are grown by my nephew, Mr. Green Jeans.
My sister and niece, Fruity Girl, also lend a hand to the vegetable garden.
A large Mesquite tree graces the front garden….
And if you look closely, you will often find one of the residents of “The Refuge” high up in the tree.
We have heard from Mr. Compost, my brother-in-law, about how why we should compost and his guest post can be read here.
All that is left for me to do now is to introduce you to the supporting cast, which includes, Gimli, who is the son of my dog.
Missy….and their shy cat.
The beauty of the surrounding desert, the gardens of “The Refuge” along with it’s residents make this a very special place to visit.
There is so much that I am looking forward to sharing with you…we will visit the vegetable garden in depth and view more of the beautiful flowers that my sister grows.
We will also be going on a field trip to see a wind farm which is located close by “The Refuge”.
As the seasons change, we will be visiting the garden to see the changes that they bring.
Thank you for visiting “The Refuge” with me.